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In response to the increasing number of positive case of COVID-19 in the world, specifically in the ASEAN region, the Southeast Asian Press Council Network (SEAPC-Net) has conducted virtual meeting on May 6, 2020.

Chairperson SEAPC-Net Mr. Muhammad NUH states that virtual meeting is important as a forum to share experiences what kind should media do in facing pandemic COVID-19.

Chairman of Myanmar Press Council Mr.U Ohn Kyaing says that our world is faced with the Coronavirus Pandemic and due to this pandemic COVID-19 therefore we need cooperation.

Chairman of National Press Council of Thailand Mr. Chavarong Limpattamapanee hopefully that situation in Asian countries getting better very soon from COVID-19 because of so many media activities in the region.

Chairman of Timor-Leste Press Council Mr. Virgilio da Silva Guterres voices solidarity for victims of pandemic COVID-19 and the need to combat disinformation circulated around the pandemic issues.

SEAPC-Net would like to convey the following statements:

  1. The SEAPC-Net recognize the attempt of the Governments of Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Timor Leste respectively, that have been working hard to contain the pandemic in their respective We are sure that they will continue doing everything within their power to handle COVID-19 and to reduce it’s potential impacts, especially in the social and economic sectors.
  2. The SEAPC-Net highly appreciates spirit off all hard work of healthcare workers in combating pandemic the COVID-19 while carrying out the noble
  3. The SEAPC-Net thanks all elements of the press for continuing to cover and report the updates of the COVID-19 pandemic so that the public could get the information needed, especially in terms of building collective awareness to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and combating disinformation and fake
  4. The SEAPC-Net kindly reminds the media newsroom to always comply with the basic principles in the journalists' code of ethics as well as to maintain the health and safety protocol of the press workers in reporting the COVID-1
  5. The SEAPC-Net would like to invite more stakeholders to strengthen our social solidarity by paying special attention to the people who lost their daily livelihoods as partial lockdowns have just started to transpire in some regions. We believe that the spirit of volunteerism and coordination is the key for us to get through this together We believe the people should be united in preventing pandemic Covid-19 infections otherwise things may be getting worst.
  6. SEAPC-Net encourage to strengthen press community in the region in the time of pandemic COVID-19 due to the role press in informing the public in order to accelerate public recovery.



Jakarta, May 6, 2020 SEACP-Net


Muhammad NUH Chairperson


Contact Members:

Chairman of Myanmar Press Council U Ohn Kyaing


EmaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chairman of National Press Council of Thailand Chavarong Limpattamapanee



Chairman of Timor-Leste Press Council Virgilio da Silva Guterres

+670 73173198

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Secretary General SEAPC-Net Asep Setiawan


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